A series of eBooks created to help resellers improve their understanding of the office products and business equipment industry and contextualize why information technology must become their foundation for profitable growth.
Structuring a Reseller for Success
The adoption of technology is changing legacy work practices and workflows which combine to reduce print requirements meaning resellers must restructure their business around an integrated information technology platform to survive.
Online Presence and The Resellers Path to Digital Transformation
A comprehensive study of the office products and business equipment industry focused on a strategy for independent dealers to achieve growth in revenue and profits.
Mergers & Acquisitions: A $20 Billion Growth Opportunity
A new look at the office imaging industry in the context of the industry consolidation and mergers endgame.
Resellers, The Digital Workplace & How the Aftermarket Industry has Failed the Resellers
A critical look at the office imaging industry leadership, its failure to understand the digital transformation, and the impact that’s now having on its reseller community.
Why Email Should Play a Significant Role in a Resellers Marketing Strategy
A detailed look into how email marketing can provide the biggest bang-for-the-buck for resellers starting out in their digital business transformations. However, to be effective it takes more than blasting out special offers twice a week!
Generic Cartridges: The Legal Landscape
An explanation of how the International Trade Commission will conduct its investigation into Canon’s complaint of patent infringement by manufacturers, importers, distributors, and resellers. With ink and toner underpinning a $200 billion industry there’s a lot at stake but will the outcome be any different to the previous investigations?
Crafting & Promoting the Resellers Business Strategy
A critical examination of the roadblocks that confront independent resellers if they contemplate a “go-it-alone” digital transformation strategy. Unfortunately, with the costs involved and skills required, they are destined to remain trapped in the analog world where they face the biggest threat yet.
Channel Convergence
A detailed look at the workings of the office products and the office equipment channels and the development of a position that argues the channels will converge as a result of the lower cost of ownership on A4 equipment that becomes increasingly appropriate as print volumes decline.

Free Information Technology Scorecard
Access our proprietary information technology assessment. Select answers from pre-populated drop-downs and develop your own task list and priorities for implementing a fully integrated software platform.
Once an integrated technology platform is established, then start to have some fun transforming a business leveraging actionable business intelligence alongside long-standing business relationships in local markets.

Proprietary Business Projection Platform
Access our proprietary business projection modeling platform. With a few simple data entries from your historical business performance, it will demonstrate a path toward growth and profit potential on the back of an integrated information technology platform necessary for the 21st-century digital environment.